The term “Texila” has come into play to transform the lives of students across the globe through quality and value-added education.
Texila Educational & Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (TEMS or Texila) has innovated and implemented unique learning methodologies and different modes of learning to create a convenient platform for the people who long to study besides other hardships.
While transforming the career of students, this esteemed organization is silently creating a positive impact on the lives of employees who work at and for TEMS.
Undoubtedly, employees play a major role in the growth of TEMS. When we look back, we could realize that we have a lot of people traveling with us since our inception and supporting enormously in the growth of this organization. Even the others who joined us late are delivering their support and contribution in all possible ways in the development of TEMS and its educational services.
Wondered and conducted a “High Purpose Survey” among our employees to know how TEMS is impacting their career and how we can improve our contribution to improving their work experience in all aspects.
On an employee survey conducted among 248 employees, we got survey responses from 211, which is a good rate (85%) of response to evaluate the performance of an employer.
In this employee survey, 94.79% of employees responded that they believe that their works at Texila are creating impacts. Again, the same amount of people around 94.31% said that they are inspired and encouraged to strive for continuous improvement and take their performance to the next level. Out of 211, 96.21% and 98.59% of people feel, “Texila is a great place to work” and “I am proud to work at Texila,” respectively. The best thing is that 72.51% of them never thought of looking for a new job. Take a glance at the below chart to view the survey response rate.

Job at Texila Makes an Impact
From their survey response, it is visible that these employees are not just considering their role here as a mere 9–6 job but also something more than that. Whether it may be an impact on the lives and career of students, or their own career and growth, or organization’s growth, they feel like they are creating positive impacts around them through their jobs. Have a look at the below comments from employees. (As it is an anonymous employee survey, designations mentioned here are just an assumption based on their response.)

Job at Texila Is Inspiring and Encouraging
Based on the employee survey response, we could understand how largely TEMS has inspired and encouraged and make them aspired to grow to the next level at Texila.
As they rightly said, Texila has created a better work environment for the employees to learn, explore, grow, and evolve. Thus, one employee said:
“I get a lot of opportunities to exhibit my thoughts, ideas, and actions.”
And we always welcome new ideas and encourage the contribution of our employees as we strongly believe this will bring better output. Here is one more response from an employee:
“Individual ideas are welcomed.”
Besides, TEMS gives equal importance for learning that has been made mandatory for each and every employee irrespective of their designation. This is because learning is the core to achieve excellence. Thus, we got this comment:
“I have to learn in my field for 40 hours, which is mandatory, so it is easy to know new technologies and improvements in my field.”
Why Is Texila a Great Place to Work?
At TEMS, we give more importance to the process. Every activity should be completed by strictly following the derived process. Besides, learning, training, and other activities are introduced to help employees improve their personal and professional skills and grow along with the organization. From the below responses, you can understand why Texila is a great place to work!
“In Texila, we can explore a lot of opportunities and multi-disciplinary work. But, we need to strengthen ourselves in our training process and give training to others as well.”
“Texila makes me grow in my career-wise, and by learning new things, it makes me improve my skills and gives opportunities to showcase.”
“This is my first job. And I could proudly say that Texila has been a great place to work. I have got a good work environment. Appreciations and encouragement are the best part of the organization.”
Proud Texilians
As we are proud of our employees for their intense contribution and support to the organization, we always insist on making them feel proud of their organization by guiding and helping them in all possible means. Here is why our employees feel proud of being Texilians:

Successful of TEMS
The success of any organization lies not only in the happiness of the customers but also in the retention of its employees. We are happy when we came to know that 72.51% of our employees never thought of looking for another job. Sustaining in a job is not at all possible in this fast-pacing industry. The below response from an employee makes us feel, “TEMS is really a proud and successful organization!”
“Family, situations, and financial commitments at times make me think of the change, but job satisfaction plays an important role too. I am happy and satisfied with the challenging role, and if there is a concern, there is always a platform to put my views and thoughts, which has been well received by the management.”
This survey had been conducted to understand where TEMS is now as an employer. However, from the survey responses of our employees, TEMS is happy for its employees for being so loyal and dedicated. TEMS is always committed to providing our employees the best in all aspects and implementing new technologies to ease their work. We will be doing the same and try in all possible means to improve their work experience with all the required things in place.
Now, we are aligned to our goals and moving with the common vision toward achieving a common mission. With our supportive and dedicated employees, TEMS will grow and become a thought leader in our intended education industry!