Renowned Speaker with 15 years of Industry experts who have counseled over 1000 students from across the Globe
It would be a childhood dream for most of the people to become a doctor but due to non-availability of required funds / Limited Availability of seats and for various other reasons the decisions are changed or postponed.
“Doctor is a word when heard by anyone can immediately develop respect in the heart. It is the noblest profession in all the professions available throughout the world. Being a doctor is having the responsibilities more, than the privilege.”
We value your dream of becoming doctors!

A lot of options are available today to Study Medicine Abroad – be it in China, Russia, Philippines or Ukraine. But the ground reality of students pursuing Medicine in these countries is that Only less than 5% of them clear their local medical council exams.
So, here is an opportunity to Meet our Academic Expert at Texila American University through live Facebook Streaming at 5 to 6 PM IST and Be Successful in your Journey Towards “Becoming a Doctor”